ACS Photography



Some useful Tips! - Peterborough Wedding Photographers

As a professional Wedding Photographer, one thing I ask a potential client is what do you want from your wedding photos?
with so many products and albums, it easily gets a bit confusing and overwhelming.

For certain, your Wedding day will be a complete ‘one off’, many of you will have spent years planning it and spent many thousands of pounds

to give you the one special day you’ve always dreamed of, and its all over in 12 hours, just like any other day.

The only person who can make your day last forever is your photographer.

Make sure its the right one for you!

Personally, I have spent the last 15 years studying and putting into practice what I’ve learnt. I have seen and heard of many of the potential pitfalls and I can

confidently say that what I do now is 10 times better than what I was doing all those years ago.

We all have a friend or relative that has a pretty ‘cool’ camera and an ‘eye’ for a good photograph.

He or she can probably do it cheaper too but do ask yourself if they have the experience or the technical know how when they're up against it, on the Big day...

Saving a few pounds in the short term usually ends in disappointment in the long term.  

If you're undecided about a wedding album, we would always recommend you consider this as an option.

Most people who choose to have the images on their own, never get around to doing anything with them other than a bit of social networking.

A modern wedding album is so much more than an album of photographs!

It is designed to tell the story of the day with an artistic layout of images press printed onto the page, not just recording the day as it happened,

but acting as an everlasting reminder and celebration of what happened on your special day all those years ago.

My Father still has his wedding album from over 50 years ago and no doubt this will be handed down to us and eventually onto our kids.

There is even photos at my house of my Grandparents on their wedding day taken over three quarters of a century ago!

Many professional albums these days are of incredible professional quality, with a lifespan of over 100 years

in the right conditions. Like everything, there are cheaper options and dearer options.

It’s all about finding the right balance for every individual couple.

Something else to consider

CD’s and DVD’s may be obsolete in less than a decade from now.  

Can you remember Floppy Discs, Tape cassettes, Betamax videos?, now consider if your precious wedding images were on any of these

outdated forms of media, and ask yourself how motivated you would be to view your images?

Our studio and Gallery at Deeping St James has many products and album types so clients have a better

idea of what they want from their wedding.
Make sure you LIKE the person taking your photos on the day.
You will want to feel as relaxed as possible around them and trust them that they will be giving you the best
memories possible of your day.

Only after your wedding is over, photos taken, and guests returned home does most of our work begin -
Carefully and methodically going through each and every picture to decide if it should be lightened/darkened,
cropped, rotated, colour corrected and brightened, to look its best.

Good quality work takes time and a good understanding of post production techniques (e.g Photoshopping)
We honestly believe we can offer a service to keep everybody happy, but don’t just take our word for it, have a 
look at our testimonials and look around our site at the various images to see other examples of our work.

Of course, we appreciate every Bride and Groom has their budget and we aim as far as possible, to give a
package that would suit their particular requirements.

Final Note!
When comparing other photographers consider their ‘Approach’ and the amount of work they are willing to put in to acheive what you are looking for.

Are they up to date with current styles and do they show creativity with technical ability.

I hope you find the above helpful.
Feel free to come in and discuss your wedding with us or email me on